Design Portfolio
Happy Matters: five films by Michel Gondry
I was challenged to create a branding and marketing strategy for a speculative film festival, which required defining a singular vision and expressing that vision through a variety of materials. My festival celebrated the films of Michel Gondry and his handmade, crafty aesthetic. The project included a logo. identity, slip, flying logo, desktop folders, poster series, tickets, lanyard IDs, wristbands, DVD collection, DVD booklet, program, pocket schedule, swag, website, and uniforms.
La Reunión: The Desilu Rebrand & Identity Guide
In today’s marketplace, a brand is no longer simply a logo. Rather, it is a carefully considered and orchestrated set of elements meant to reach a target audience—not just on a visual level, but on an emotional one. Through various methods of research the audience, mood, and razón de ser of Desilu were discovered through standard industry techniques and practices.
To preview this book in its entirety, click here.
Mobile UI and UX
These mobile game screens showcase my understanding of how to develop elegant, intuitive, and entertaining user interfaces and experiences.
I Miss You
I animated hand illustrated typographic characters to Björk's I Miss You in this motion graphics piece.
This motion graphics piece is a symbolic self-portrait. Meditation and moving meditation (yoga) are a part of my lifestyle. With the stress from work, school and life, these activities help to calm and focus the mind. I use meditation as a form of escape, turning my attention inward and on the present moment. This piece also served as a vehicle to learn After Effects, which will assist in developing my thesis work.
Ode to Orange
This is a series of twelve typographic posters that are based on subjects related to the color orange. Type is affected in various ways that relate to each subject, turning type into image in its own right.
Initial Thesis Comprehensive Process Book
This comprehensive process book is a step-by-step walkthrough of my process. It is a record of my observations, thoughts, questions, insights, and sketches on the journey of investigating a thesis topic and proposing solutions.
To preview this book in its entirety, click here.
The Little Black Book
With a multitude of photography, diagrams, and information graphics, The Little Black Book will help you and your partner, or perhaps just you, unmask the pleasure in dating and sex. This book aims to position sex and masturbation as less of a taboo and more about play and exploration.
To preview the book in its entirety, click here.
Weight Watcher's Annual Report
Redesign of Weight Watcher's annual report to translate the information into a compelling narrative about customers' dilemma of having to shop for new clothes after losing weight.
What's Your Color?
This book will help you with mood identification and regulation, giving you a better understanding of yourself. Get to know the môdsters and each mood color. You will find mood food (activities that help maintain and enhance positive moods) and mood swings (activities that help change a negative mood to a positive mood). At the end of the book you will find a môd log for you to record your mood from day to day and see trends in your mood after a year.
Art book about photographer William Klein.
Type Classification Posters
A series of 3 posters on different type Vox type categories.