Using the sketches, a scenario was created with tasks for a first-time user. Additional screens were sketched in order to complete all tasks. The sketches were printed and given to four iPhone users who were closely aligned with the personas. As users progressed through the scenario with the prototype, their confusion provided insights on how to improve the app. Here's what I learned:
- The tutorial should function like a game where it tells you how to do something and the user has to complete the action in order to proceed to the next page.
- Add skip option to tutorial.
- The tutorial section should be designed to look more like the app itself.
- There is no tutorial screen about the drawer and it competes with the iPhone’s drawer of quick access tools. Drawer bar is hard to see. Get rid of pull up drawer and have options always show at the bottom.
- Tutorial should follow the flow of the menu bar.
- Instead of pressing and holding, add a clear option to the list of auras in the aura menu.
- I need to add two more screens to the tutorial about how drop and drag works throughout the app. I'll make one about applying auras and another about adding a photo.
- I need to add two tutorial pages to the draft section: one about dragging and dropping drafts to the typing area to edit them and another about how the timer feature will work.
- Put the tutorial in the drawer within an options menu so users can access the tutorial whenever desire. Options will allow users to be able to do things like change the default aura and set favorite auras.
- Make room for options menu by combining the two photo menus into one. There’s one icon for camera and another for recent photos. It’s better to just do one photo icon that leads to recent photos and there’ll be two sub icons: one for library and another that goes to the camera app.
- To prevent confusion and obstruction of the aura in the message preview area, move aura button to the drawer.
- Make room for aura menu by getting rid of mic icon since this is already on the keyboard.
- Sounds can be used as confirmation of an action like a sound playing when a draft is saved or the text conversation is muted. These sounds are rewarding.
The insights lead me to refine the app map. To see the full process…