I refined the look and animation of the auras based on the feedback I received from the interviews. I created the final testing site to crowd source, reaching the wider audience and getting a higher quantity of feedback. I made the testing site password protected to ensure that I only get feedback from my target audience: females in relationships who text their partner often. If you are a part of the audience, please contact me to receive the password!
The previous surveys have been open to a wider audience because I have a market audience (anyone interested in using this app) and a target audience. Since I learned that females are more likely to be misinterpret text messages (or at least report it) from my previous research, I am solving a problem from an audience most in need. If I can solve a problem from those most in need, it'll apply to other audiences. The target audience will help to refine how the auras are interpreted and market audience will help to test and refine the concept and functionality of the app. While I am getting feedback on this, I'll be working on the UI and UX of Aura.