I worked with a videographer to get more refined and polished videos so that Aura could really shine.
Here's the the thesis summary video, as I prepare for final review, that will be used as a commercial for Aura.
Rather than making the conversation seem live, requiring me to build out every step taken to send a text message in this string, I made it a review of texts sent and received and then a response. This allowed me to be time efficient which still showing the majority of the auras and creating a new text. The above video is a rough cut of me demonstrating this prototype. I plan to record with a member of my target audience with better lighting. To experience this for yourself…
Please keep in mind that this prototype has a very specific path of behaviors because the goal was not to user-test, but rather demonstrate a sample conversation.
I simplified the overview even more and distilled it down to a six slide experience that the user could scroll through. At the end of the overview the user can decide whether to go to the longer, interactive tutorial or just get started using the app. I integrated this overview with the tutorial and animated the various parts of the tutorial, elevating the prototype from low-fidelity to high-fidelity.
I user-tested eight users, one of whom was new to prototyping this app. All of the users enjoyed and understood how to use the app and found getting started much faster. They were also pleased with the animated sections. To see the user-testing of the integrated tutorial…
Even though the orange-blue color palette yielded a higher preference during the user-testing of the logo development, a warm/cold blue color palette worked best when building out the app. This final color palette was applied to the lo-fi prototype, which was developed and designed further. I placed the screens and linked them using InVision up to the options section, where I'm awaiting feedback on which tutorial icon to use. I also started animating sections to get a feel for the process and to refresh myself on After Effects. The loading and last splash pages are animated, which you need to tap "Skip" to view.
To view the flat design…